Travel has the magical effect of opening the mind up to different ways of life. The simplest tasks — having a meal, shopping, hailing a cab — all bring to light how there's more than one way to do everyday things and inspires deeper thought into how we can incorporate these insights into life back home. Here's a few things I've noticed.

Drying Clothes
In countries around the world, the sight of laundry lines of clothing swaying in the wind is common. Anyone who's collected a basket of sun-baked laundry knows the pleasant smell and feel of clothing fresh off the line. In contrast, dryers drive up electricity bills and dryer sheets heated to high temperatures create hazardous fumes that fill the air and stick to clothes. Clothes last longer when protected from the harsh heat of dryers. The lint trap is a collection of the delicate fibers tumbled off your favorite garments.
Using Napkins
A trip to Hong Kong was an eye-opener in terms of understanding just how much paper the average person uses in a given day while dining. Most HK restaurants didn't offer napkins (aside from western chains, interestingly enough) so one had three choices — purchase a packet, go without or keep a few in a pocket. After several days, you're trained to conserve paper napkins just like the locals.
Reducing Plastic Bag Use
In many parts of the world, stores charge a small fee for plastic bags. Here in the states, we take for granted how common plastic bags are, often thoughtlessly bagging a single item at the store. This is the precise reason why it's standard to see bags tangled in trees or floating in the ocean. Tote bags are fantastic because they are 100% reusable, easy to clean and sturdy for carrying even the heaviest groceries.
Conserving Electricity
In Paris, common areas of apartment buildings are often illuminated with timed lights. When residents enter a building, there are switches sprinkled around hallways and stairwells. Give the switch a tap and the lights magically turn on and then off after several minutes. Makes sense, why light an empty hallway or lobby?
How have your travels inspired you to be greener?