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The Reading List

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The Reading List

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ― Charles William Eliot Books shape our perspective. Even after we turn the final page and put it down, a truly good book's message seeps into the mind and soul and...

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The Person You Really Need to Marry (VIDEO)

good vibes life relationships

The Person You Really Need to Marry (VIDEO)

Relationships are everything. In times of happiness, these are the loved ones who celebrate with you and share in your triumphs. In times of sadness, these are the people who bring light into the darkness and help you up when you stumble. As we get older, the relationship that can make...

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Drinking Oil for Health

eating clean health natural skincare

Drinking Oil for Health

Drink some oil. Ok, this sounds a little nutty if you're unfamiliar with the practice but the benefits may be worth it. Consuming natural oils may be the key to glossier hair, healthier skin and stronger nails as well as other surprising benefits. Chances are you already have oil in your kitchen so there's little added...

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A Little Clarity on Vitamin D


A Little Clarity on Vitamin D

Vitamin D, sometimes referred to as the "sunshine vitamin", is an essential part of healthy body function and particularly to bone health. It is the single vitamin your body has the ability to produce when skin gets sunshine. Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiencies are increasingly common. There are a variety of reasons for this ranging...

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The Magic of Exfoliation for Mild Acne

green skincare

The Magic of Exfoliation for Mild Acne

Before loading up on harsh anti-acne products, how about a review of your exfoliation technique first? Without proper exfoliation, dead skin cells create a barrier that prevents skin from breathing and can lead to buildup which causes acne.

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