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The Importance of Rest

health rest & relaxation

The Importance of Rest

We all take great pride in getting things done but how well do we rest? Here's a reminder to rest and recharge. Sometimes we get more done by finding time to do less.

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Marigold Magic

eczema green health mother earth natural skincare

Marigold Magic

What do you know about the humble marigold?

Chances are you've grown bright and cheerful marigold flowers at some point in your life. Childhood memories of marigolds sprouting in milk cartons come to mind.  

But there's more to this beautiful flower than looks.

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On Vulnerability (VIDEO)

health life mind

On Vulnerability (VIDEO)

"To be vulnerable is to be alive." - Brené Brown Our lives are increasingly filtered through Instagram and Facebook to show only the happiest, shiniest moments of our lives. With every cheery picture of babies, birthdays and vacations—friends think we're happier than ever. But is this true? In a world where the...

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Choosing Organic Cotton

eczema green health home natural skincare

Choosing Organic Cotton

Cotton is the fabric that does it all but have you considered organic? We explore a few reasons why we prefer a more eco-friendly and natural cotton.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Love

eating clean eczema green health home mother earth natural skincare

Apple Cider Vinegar Love

Imagine an elixir that helps with indigestion, eczema, high cholesterol, dandruff, acne, allergies, dull hair, even sunburn. It's magical, it's delicious, it's affordableit's apple cider vinegar.

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